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  • David Deverell

Guest Blog: "Welcome Back to Script-Com!"

Updated: Sep 20

I’m excited to announce that the Tennessee Screenwriting Association (TSA) is having

its first in-person Script-Com conference since the pandemic four years ago. This will be

a two-day event held on Saturday, November 16 at the Nashville Film Institute and on

Sunday, November 17 at the NECAT studio on the NSCC campus.

Script-Com is a great opportunity for you to improve your craft by attending workshops and panels led by working writers and distinguished instructors who have taught screenwriting for

film and television. You’ll also have a chance to mingle and network with fellow writers so you can develop connections and relationships that will positively impact your writing and help you build a career. Our goal at TSA is to make sure that local writers like you get the “first look” rather than projects getting farmed out to writers outside our state.

In addition to all the panels and workshops, we'll have a very special guest speaker at a dinner reception on Saturday night and we'll hand out the award for our first Short 'N Scary script contest, which incidentally, we are still taking submissions for all the way until Oct. 30. On Sunday, we'll take the party out to West Nashville to have some quiet time with some of our instructors as we tape a special edition of our streaming show Page 2 Screen.

So please join us at Script-Com! We have an amazing program planned and if this was LA or New York, you'd be paying hundreds, if not thousands of dollars to get this kind of education and access to people working in the business. I’m looking forward to raising my

glass to offer a toast to you and our fellow storytellers!

David Deverell is the current president of the Tennessee Screenwriting Association.

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